April 21, 2019

SQL Style Guide


What follows is an opinionated SQL style guide. This style has evolved during my career and will probably continue to evolve.

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Basic select layout

  • Avoid select *
  • Commas at beginning rather than end of statements
  • Your IDE’s tab setting should be set to two spaces
  • Use ANSI-92 joins, not SQL-86 joins (see this Stack Overflow comment)
  • --Annotate your code with comments!
  • Use whitespace to separate the logical parts of the query
  • Write where statements as where 1=1 to aid quick commenting / uncommenting of filter conditions without having to juggle and statements
-- inline comments should have a space between the second dash and the start of the comment
   a.col1    -- indent first select column by three spaces
  ,a.col2    -- indent second select column by two spaces, and include comma at start of line
  ,sum(b.col5) as col5

from table1 a

  blank line between from and each join statement and comments
  preceding join indicating why join is required.
left join table2 b      -- ANSI joins.  Omit "outer" keyword for left and right joins.
  on a.col1 = b.col1    -- indent join condition by 2 spaces
  and a.col2 = b.col2

where 1=1               -- always use "where 1=1" to facilitate easier commenting/uncommenting of filters 
  and a.col3 = 'Condition 1'
  and b.col4 != 'Condition 2'    -- use != rather than <>

group by

having sum(b.col5) > 100